Build the advantage into your business.


The Workbook Will Guide You.

The Outsider Advantage is a workbook. It is designed to expose tactics and opportunities in your market that are difficult to recognize during the busyness of running a business. The book breaks down daunting strategic tasks using simplified workflows and case study examples. When finished, you’ll possess new product tactics, more mature market awareness, and the sales language needed to clear the lane for your necessary venture. When you put the work in, you’ll be amazed by what comes out.


The Outsider Program

The Outsider Advantage is the ability to think more creatively and operate faster by harnessing a unique path to market influence that the competition cannot pursue. Through a series of focused work sessions targeting an emerging business’ product-market fit, leaders capture a new operating system and a set of tools to function as an outsider.

During the discovery of the Product-Market-Fit Plan, Chad will work to pair your operational needs and know-how with partners, tools and technologies to rapidly scale your business.

The Coaching Sessions

In-Depth Understanding

V1 Operations Dialog
Collaborative Workday

Product Life Cycle
Edit Session

Customer Extreme Definition
Research Review

Communication Platform
Edit Session

Brand Architecture
Edit Session

Brand Architecture 2
Finalization Session

Herding Patterns of the Market
Analysis Review / Direction

Product-Market-Fit Plan
Scale Operations Review

Creative Blueprint

Note: Not all strategic stakeholders are required to attend every meeting. Based on the makeup of the defined working group, we can identify 4-5 working sessions that will be critical for the full group to attend.


You must fall out of love with 95% of your concept.

Our herd mentality programming overrides our ability to execute our goals. You have to make sure that your business is not a version of hundreds, all running at the same finish line.