

Cultural Narrative

We live in a hyper-accelerated world, and that fact will not change. These days we only slow down because of exhaustion, or viruses, or both. Technology has become a great seduction. We invent, often for the rush that comes with invention, which leads to clutter and confusion and ultimately abandonment. There is nothing more useless than last month’s app and no frustration like a bad solution. We have stacked the deck against ourselves.

Our narrative is clear. Do better.

Our response is Krista. At our best we are like jazz musicians we listen to one another and then spontaneously, we pull magic out of thin air. That experience of listening informs everything that we do. Like music, the notes you don’t play are the ones that make the song.

Because of our ability to simplify and to straighten the curve from A to B we know that people understanding technology is not as important as technology that understands people. That is the idea that shapes our future.

From the simplest transaction to Enterprise scale, we exist in the hear and now.

Listening. It’s a beautifully simple idea.


What We Did

The Outsider Advantage™ Program
User Experience
Marketing Support


Say “hello” to Krista

An intelligent automation platform to orchestrate people, apps, and AI


The Value to Others


Why is it that IT and the business units it serves are always complaining about each other? Ok, you're both right, but how do we fix it?!

The root cause is that we have perpetuated the wrong approach to how they should work together. To build apps at the speed of the business, apps have to be as fast as communication to create and update. For apps to be enterprise safe and scalable, they have to be on an IT managed platform and secured at the intersection of every use-case, person, and data element. Krista accomplishes these things.

Now IT can provide a Conversational App Platform for the business to consume. No more ugly IT UIs! No more “we’ll put it on the backlog” when the business needs change right now.

Krista makes building apps a conversation between people and systems. Once Kirsta makes your tech communicate like your people do, you will build applications much as you write emails or text messages.

Krista’s Conversational App Platform is already automating sales forces, field maintenance, food & beverage inventory, franchise compliance controls, DevSecOps, several security domains, and countless others.


