
Stella seeks, develops and deploys uncommonly relevant solutions to improve people’s health, driven by expansive capability and intimate insight. Unconstrained by the health care system, our portfolio is designed to make a tangible difference in the lives of everyone we touch — now and long-term.

Aging Start-up Challenge Event


Digital Styleguide


The Cultural Narrative

We help people look forward to better birthdays with more candles and all their loved ones by their side to celebrate.


Our wellbeing can’t be measured on a balance sheet. The beating of our hearts has no rate of return. When we get hurt, we don’t bleed dollars and cents. We are not profit centers. We are flesh-and-blood human beings. But the health care business has forgotten this.

Our health system today isn’t good for our health. For too long, the business has been unaccountable to those it’s meant to serve… with disastrous results. Year after year, people’s trust has evaporated: with their insurers, employers, government, even their doctors.

People feel helpless, overwhelmed and frustrated.
On all sides of the system.

How do we get back what our system has lost? It’s an enormous task. People are complex, and no two are alike. Their health problems are messy and needs are always changing. The solution will require deep understanding and compassion, not to mention deep pockets. And the most critical issues may not be money-makers. But if you want to make a healthy difference in people’s lives, you have to start there.

Our health care system stands in the way of our mission. So went in a new direction. To make an impact on people’s health: direct, measurable, profound. To offer relevant choices that act faster, work harder, and feel better. To tear down the obstacles that stand in the way of care. Unconstrained by the system’s limitations or the size of the prize. Ready to improve health today and 20 years into the future.

Welcome to Stella. A company that leaps over business as usual to tangibly connect people and health. Not for some abstract target, but for flesh-and-blood human beings in all their beautiful diversity. Driven by expansive know-how, data and on-the-ground insight, we advance life-changing innovation in perfect sync with what people need now.

Find it. Make it. Make it better. Give it to everyone.

It could be an amazing company that just needs a push. Or an idea that can change lives if it gets in the right hands. Or we invent what people need from the ground up. From financial health to fighting illness to community wellbeing, we embrace extraordinary solutions across needs and segments — and share resources to make every piece stronger. Then we unleash this innovation everywhere it can do good.

In the process, we create efficiencies, increase value, and grow astonishingly successful businesses. But all of that is secondary. Because we’re here for people first. People who dream and struggle, who feel joy and pain, who look forward to better birthdays with more candles and all their loved ones by their side to celebrate. Across Minnesota and the U.S. and anywhere people yearn to be healthy. Which is everywhere.

People are our compass. Health is our North Star. By connecting them like no one else, we make all the difference in the world.




Barely Bread