Cultural Narrative

The only thing harder than changing someone’s mind is changing their mind about themselves. When we struggle with our self image, we know everything we need to know. Or we think we do…

We know we’ve tried—and failed. We know that others hold us responsible. For a few extra pounds. For a few cigarettes. For choices that affect our health—and the well-being of those around us.

We know that, with the right excuses, we can hide our frustrations and hopelessness. While shame is a lonely place to live, it’s less risky than trying and failing. But we may try again, if we think it’s worth it... if we think WE’RE worth it.

You can’t frighten someone into changing their choices. We as humans aren’t convinced by stats and facts. Overwhelming proof is nothing in the face of our skepticism and resigned resolve. Studies show that empathy—including empathy for ourselves—fades when you talk in big numbers.

But give someone a companion to relate to in a powerful, positive story, and things start to change. Using the power of storytelling and engagement, we can transform points of view—and our well-being will follow. We can craft a plot around transformation. We can author self-confidence. We can narrate believing. And we can write infinitely better endings to the stories of our lives.


What We Did

The Outsider Advantage™ Program
Program Development
Digital Experience
Donor Collateral
Gala Support

The Value to Others


WWO’s 62 Toy Libraries are located in preschools, elementary schools, children’s hospitals, shelters, libraries, rehabilitation centers for children with disabilities, food pantries, faith-based centers, daycares, orphanages and refugee integration centers. In 2018, we served more than 9,000 children and families through Element of Play in Bulgaria, Ethiopia, Haiti, the United States of America and Vietnam. In the next 10 years, we look forward to scaling and deploying our toy libraries in at-risk communities in the USA and abroad through the Toy Library Investment Fund, an endowment, renewed annually to build capacity and sustainability.


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