Ciresi Walburn Foundation


Cultural Narrative

Is Minnesota still a miracle? Minnesota has a reputation across the U.S. as having an excellent public education system. There are solid numbers behind the reputation: an 82.7% graduation rate. But in truth, we’re using that number to lie to ourselves.

In some districts, grad rates in the high 90s are the norm. True story. But here’s where the numbers hide a darker truth: There’s a significant gap between the graduation rate of white students and students of color. 28%, to be precise. And this graduation rate is just one indicator of the well-being of our children.

Elementary proficiency testing, on-time high school graduations, remedial support during college, college completions—all these stats reflect a disparity between white students and students of color. The gap between white students and Native American, Black and Hispanic students in Minnesota are some of the largest in the country.

Maybe the miracle is that we’ve believed the myth of Minnesota educational leadership for so long. This disparity is not just intolerable. It’s unsustainable. From a moral standpoint, closing the gap would mean the end of a lie.

The lie that says that there’s equal opportunity for all. The illusion that every student starts on an equal playing field. The feel-good falsehood that every person can bootstrap their way to realizing the American dream.

Let’s speak the truth: By believing in our children, we set self-fulfilling prophesies in motion.

By building a holistic web of support—strong system + strong student + strong family—we can make a good education possible. By refusing to accept a dismal last-place standing in graduation rates for children of color, we reclaim pride in our state.

By doing our part to close the achievement gap:

  • We’d increase Minnesota’s GDP over time

  • Generate faster economic growth

  • Reduce the costs of remedial education and crime

Let’s be the miracle for Minnesota. Simply by giving children an equitable, educated start in life.


What We Did

The Outsider Advantage™ Program
Campaign Media Management
Digital Marketing Management
Digital Build
Content Direction & Execution


Demand Great Things

The mission of the Ciresi Walburn Foundation is to serve as a catalyst for creative, innovative, and societal-changing programs and policies to promote education and equitable opportunities for all of Minnesota’s children and youth.


The Value to Others


The Ciresi Walburn Foundation addresses Minnesota’s unacceptable achievement gap, by funding solutions for individuals, schools and communities, as well as acting as a catalytic leader that amplifies the intelligence, passion and love that Minnesotans have for all our children.




Frontier Co-Op