Frontier Co-Op


Cultural Narrative

Born at the dawn of the organic food movement. 
Still thriving. Frontier Co-op began in 1976 with a few dedicated souls just trying to make some good happen in the world. As our movement has grown, from Hippy roots to the rise of Whole Foods, so have we. Now we’re 600 people with four plants and dozens of supplier relationships around the globe.

Our world has changed. Our values haven’t. It’s been a winding journey from wholesale herbs and spices to packaged seasonings to essential oils. The business is more complicated now. But our philosophy remains simple. Work hard. 
Do what you know is right. 
Treat people well. 
Spread success around.

For more than 40 years. That's been our recipe.

Because what we do isn’t just about us. Saffron from Afghanistan. Sandalwood from Australia. 
Vanilla from Uganda. Essential oils from Haiti. Our work supports wages for families and the wellbeing of communities — on the other side of the world and in our own backyard. These relationships are deeply entwined with people’s lives, the land, and the future of our planet. That’s a big responsibility, one we never take lightly.

But these 
values are endangered. The organic marketplace is in flux. Where once many independent players thrived, now a shrinking handful of corporations dominate. Companies seem more motivated by short-term rewards than long-term impact, even some we used to look up to. Many have co-opted our marketing playbook without adopting our practices, putting sustainable window dressing on products that don’t live up to the label.

We aren’t fooled. And neither are our customers. As others green-wash their unsustainable practices, we’ve doubled down on doing the right thing. That’s meant passing on a few opportunities and a percentage point of growth here and there. But the trust we’ve earned is worth a lot more.

We believe the more people know, the better. Humbly and with great care, we have created one the industry’s most complete and transparent supply chains. Every step in the journey is thoughtfully aligned. Sourcing. Production. Distribution. From soup to nutmeg. However deep you go, you’ll find responsible practices… and receipts to back them up. So no one has to wonder if it’s good. In this way, we make the right choice the obvious choice.

Profits vs. people? We think it’s a false choice.

Sustaining our values and sustaining our business must go hand in hand. After all, a bankrupt company can’t pay people a living wage or bring clean water to a remote village. We don’t take risks that could undermine our independence or our ability to make good things happen. We think this work matters too much.

And we’re not alone. Frontier is the hub of a worldwide network of distributors, wholesalers, retailers, members, and customers, people united in pursuit of a better way. We stand with them in working to solve some of the critical challenges of our time, with a commitment far deeper than nice-sounding words on a label.

Doing good still works. That’s our promise. Our movement isn’t fading. It’s just digging in. Alongside our partners and customers, we’ll keep blazing trails to the greatest possible good — for the next 43 years and beyond.

Founded in a simpler era, today our vibrant model of virtuous business is just what the world needs now.

We believe shared values can still win out over short-term gains, not just ethically, but economically. Our co-op is living proof.


What We Did

The Outsider Advantage™ Program
New Venture Development
Sales Support
Product Development Roadmap

The Value to Others


Frontier Co-op makes natural and organic products for the greatest possible good. Our botanical food, flavoring, and personal care brands uphold sky-high standards for quality and social and environmental responsibility. By sharing the journey of our products from source to shelf, we make the right choice the obvious choice for customers. We are a member-owned co-op committed to the welfare of our people and the planet — from on-site daycare and organic cafés in our facilities and to making meaningful investments in communities around the globe.


Ciresi Walburn Foundation


Field Nation